~+What did it really mean to you?+~

Feeling: cute
*yawns* G`morning, all. Yeah, I know I should be sleeping, which I plan to do as soon as I finish writing this. And yes, I realize my "current mood" say cute, as that is not usually my normal mood. Frankly, who cares. Today was the first time in a long time that a girl as called me anything other than my name, or choices words that I don't feel like saying...and I want to think she meant it. Heh...not cause I like her, honestly, but just because I know that I'm not the worthless cause I thought I was then. It's just a good feeling to know that there is at least someone out there that finds you something other than a friend, you know?! Even if that person isn't the person you want to be with and tell, yet know it'd never work out in your favor no matter how much you want it to, thus, you're left with a feeling of only wanting to make the other person happy. *le sigh* But I digress. Anyways, I'm off to sleep. Just wanted to jot down a random happy note. You don't usually get that from me, as a dear and close friend pointed out to me last night before I left. So...*raises wine glass filled with orange Kool Aid*...heres to happy times ahead, hopefully.
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