...Beware my power...GREEN LANTERN'S MIGHT!

Feeling: masochistic
Heh...you know, kiddies, if you put together the titles of my last few entries since "In brightest day, in darkest night...", the titles all form the motto and power chant of the Green Lanterns. *nods* Yes, I'm quiet fanboyish today. Um...lets see...my parents gave me the keys to my jeep. ^_^ YES!!! THANK GOD!!! So, I'm not stuck here at home anymore while everyones at work or school. What's this mean exactly? Well, for starters: ROAD TRIP! Er...well, at least to Barnes and Noble, cause I need a Double Chocolate Chip frap, heavy on the chocolate, light on the frap! I won't be home until later tonight, sadly. Yes, I know...you can all start cheering now...especially you, Bell. Lol...just joking. Anyways, reason being that I have to pick my little brother up from school, then drop him off at work (problem with being a bigger brother with a license: you play chauffer (sp?) alot!). Then I'm going to go vist a friend or two that I have spoken with alot lately if I can. So, expect my sorry butt back here around 7 or so Central time. ^^ If you need me, there's always my cell...that is if you're important enough to have the number anyways. Later!
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.........why are is my friendlist gone??? WHY ..*CRIES*