Expect nothing and life can't hurt you...

Feeling: touchy
No matter how much I try, I cannot tear out that 'Boom Boom Satellite' CD from my cd player. The deep lyrics and hardcore techno beats...they're just too much to keep me from listening. I love it. Heh..anyways, today was....so-so. I picked up the candy for the final anime club on Thursday. I'm trying to make this one everyone will remember. We'll be watching classic anime that are fanfavorites plus some stuff that some probably haven't seen, such as Fullmetal Panic? Fumoffu and Moeyo Ken. Yes, I know a certain someone out there doesn't care too much for the last one I mentioned, but it's good if you give it a chance. *sigh* Beyond that, I've frankly hated today. First, I didn't see my crush. Grrr...I sound like a middle school loser saying that. It's ok for girls to say it...but I'm a guy about ready to graduate high school in....7 actual, phyical,24-hour days. I just can't believe it. Anyways, it's probably best that I didn't see her. I mean,it's not that I'm embarrassed to like her. Hell, she's one of the coolest people I've had the chance of getting to know. It's just that with the way my days are going these days. She just makes me proud to be who I am, yet at the same time hate it all together cause who I am keeps me afraid of asking her out. Oh well... Then I am fucking sick as hell... *sigh* You know...I've decided that as of Thursday, after anime club, I'll stop being the Senji-ku everyone knows and tolerates. When youcan literally tell someone is biting their lip in the strive of not offending you...you know your presence isn't wanted. Frankly, I have more respect for the person willing to tell me off. I mean, yeah,it'll hurt...but it's better than being two-faced about the matter. So, as of Friday, I only buy anime on a need-to-basis and the same goes for my drawing, I hit the gym twice as much, spend less time online, and sleep even less. It's all to better myself I assure you. And on that final note, I have a question. This has been perplexing me all week and I am unable to solve it on my own: How do you tell someone that means alot to you and that you'd do anything for that they make you feel lower that a common bug? I try my best to ignore that feeling...hoping they don't mean as they do. In the end though, the same thing happens: I end up questioning my worth as a friend and as a person. I don't want to offend them or make them feel bad,but in my desire to be a great friend, must I sacrifice my own heart not to hurt their's? *Sigh* Frankly, I don't even know if my words would matter to them. They could probably care less anyways. Maybe I should just do as I have thought in the past...lock off my heart to the world, become silent and distant... *shakes head* Well, I'm out of here. I need to run then go to the gym. So, until later,this is everyone's favorite baka futori haisha Senji-ku signing off, saying ja mata and catch ya on the flipside. Random Quote:You don't need to blow up your footlocker every time you think someone's tampered with it!!! - Kaname, Fullmetal Panic? Fumoffu...*sigh*...that's a girl...
Read 2 comments
Well, that last anime you mentioned isn't my favorite, but it was funny at times. I'm always here for you Senji-ku, and be who you want to be. Whether it be what we like or not, as long as you like yourself, that's all that matters to me. And I believe you should be honest to the person that's hurting you. I mean, if they really are your friend, they will stop or try to fix it. And you do what you need to do to be happpy. Feel better.
Thanks for the offer BUT i'm pretty sure this job will be awesome ! plus i think one class with george is too much for mw so working with her would want me to do very bad things Byes have fun though