Bad day= long, sad rant

Listening to: Dreams- Van Helen
Feeling: heartbroken
Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to tonight's main event!! To my left, age unknown and wearing the purple shorts, Life! And to my right, at eightteen years old and wearing the blue shorts, Senji! Now, boys, I want a nice, clean fight. If you hit below the belt, do remember to be gentle. So....LET'S GET IT ON!!!!! *Life comes in, starting with a nice right hook, delivering a painful blow to Senji's right side, just inches above his kidney. Stunned, Senji dives in for a shot to Life's stomach, but it merely sidesteps and delivers a more than painful low blow to the nether regions. It laughs, offering him a hand up. Like a gullable fool, Senji accepts only to have Life spit in his face and kick him in his left temple. This sends Senji flying through the ring and into the crowd. The ref raises Life's hand.* And the winner is, as always...LIFE!!! *shakes head, coming back into reality.* Yeah I know...roll with life's punches, but days like today...I say fuck it. I just want to hide and never come back. Just run away and stay gone. Very few people would miss me. And to those that would, I'd feel bad, but they'd understand. least I hope they would. *pulls out chalk board from magical closet of magical crap* Ok, class, a little lesson in Senji 101! *booing and hissing are heard* Oh shut up. School year is almost up. This is the final lecture the Professor will be giving you and this -will- be on the final exam and the final is worth 90% of your semester grade. Yeah, I'm a rat bastard, but so is life. The only difference is, most of you only have to put up with me for another month. Anyways..*starts writing on chalk board* is the 1998-1999 school year. N*Sync and the Backstreet Boys rule the air ways, the thought of a good comic book-based movie is fictional as are good LoTR movies, and Senji is a lowly 6th grader. Ah, those were good times. They were days when all this young boy cared about was his best friend and his sketch book. He'd get in trouble for drawing in the middle of a lesson. He'd also be teased alot because he was a loner. But did he care? No! He was happy, and so what if some people didn't understand what he saw in his characters. They'd never hurt him and they'd never betray him. They were perfect. Then one day out of the blue...he met a girl. His mind shifted. No longer did he care about art or anything. He did his best to impress her. Then, once he'd mustard up the courage to talk to her outside of school, he's confidence fell apart. She laughed at him and judged him because he was deemed a loser by the popular crowd. He went home and cried for an entire weekend. He was lost and hurt, he finally wanted to open up to someone and they threw his feelings back in his face with a cruel spite. *sighs, remember those days all too well* Now, class, we fast-forward many years later. Senji is now a senior with more friends than he deemed possible for someone like him. He'd made a promise a few years prior, due to one too many heart breaks, that he'd never let a single soul get near him in a mannor that they could have a chance to hurt them. Well, needless to say, that backfired. Now, there are two people that know him moreso than he knows hisself. Was this an accident? Or did they just win him over with their coolness and lovable attitudes? Who knows? All that matters is that it happened and he couldn't be happier on that fact. 10 bonus points each if you can name those two people and his favorite nickname for them, for a total of 40 bonus points each. *bell rings* Grrr...we'll finish this discussion tomorrow. You're homework for tonight is to write a twenty page thesis on the ramifications on logic dictating emotion. I expect it single spaced, twelve-point font. *throws chalk board away* Anyways, this is officially the worst day of my life. First, I wake up from having this dream that I've had before..just without so many explicit details. Then I remembered this problem that I've been having lately. See...I find my emotions torn between three paths. Down each path, I am doomed to be hurt. So, I'm fucked, double-fucked, then triple-fucked no matter what way I go. This matter wasn't helped any by little rose today. hurts like a bitch the way she felt and the thought she had. This holds especially since I felt myself really liking her. But as much as it stings, I can't hold her responsible for how she felt. I mean, I'd have to be a rat bastard to do so. What hurts...what made me get angry and break down into tears, still which remain in my eyes all these hours that I let her get close enough to me to hurt me. I failed myself by doing so. I go around wanting to be Batman or Superman so much that I do it merely to keep this from happening. *growls at self* God, why am I such an idiot?! Now, lets continue on my day, shall we? Beyond the hurt, I couldn't write a decent scene today to save my life! I guess that that is a good thing since the characters need a complete overhaul anyways. We took a drug/weapon survey during homeroom today. I'm going to be in so much trouble for that. Lol...on the back, I wrote out this long, long, long complete about the survey and some not so 'respectful' comments about the school itself. Now...they're supposed to be secret on idenities, but I couldn't help myself, I had to sign my name to it. So, in big, bold red and black (school colors...yay school spirit) I wrote my full name. Heh...anyone out there know my full name? I'll be surprised if they do. *sighs, filing away some drawings that aren't going to be used any more* Well, I've ranted into your computer screens long enough. Besides, besides hating even waking up this morning or the fact that I want to cut lose and argue with Paula in CW today, there really isn't anything for this loser to talk about. Plus, Jess is getting impatient and demands a new entry or else. So, I'm going to get going for a while. This is your str....this is just Senji-ku signing off, saying ja mata and catch ya on the flipside. Random Quote: Loves girls that don't exist. ~ Paula Poff, criminology report on yours truly. Sad thing is...I think she's right, especially after today.
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*hugs* Senji-ku...You're one of my closest friends, and it makes me sad to see you sad as well...Just remember I'm here for you, always.
-Doc Belldandy
And...Here's something for you...
"Though your path may wind more than leads to the same destination..."
-Jessica Layne Holman...
*smiles softly* Thanks, Belldandy. Where would I be without your advice and kind words...
I'm very sorry for how I reacted on my diary.... I thought that I would never hurt you and in the end, I did. I never meant to, but I guess my mind was running and not my heart... I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you. If you never want to speak to me again, that's okay, I understand. i just wanted you to know that I was sorry.

Ash, don't apologize. You can't be held responsible for your emotions. I understand how you feel...well...I understand where those feelings are coming from. Heck, if I were in your place, I probably not like that part of me either.

Anyways...angels don't apologize, so stop it.
First off, Teach. Two people, me and Jess. Nicknames, Sprite and Belldandy. Dude, I hate the way I am feeling tonight, and it sucks. Anywho, we all have off-writing days...mine is right now..curses...WAIT! *is inspired to do a LoTR Fic...* Grand Papillion, as I shall now call you, don't feel all sad. I want your last days of Highschool to be happy. Be brave, argue with me....walk down a path, and when life Screws you, Screw it back by not caring.
Grand Papillion, uh? I like that. ^^

I'll do my best to make them happy days good ones. But I won't argue just yet...want to be on my best foot. But the path thing, I can't do it.