...like a slow spinning redemption...

Feeling: so-so
Well, we all know this song, don't we? No need to explain it, right? Good. *sigh* Anyways, its been a boring day and night, so I thought I'd give a small late night ramble. We've got a screwed up schedule tomorrow at school. 1st through 3rd periods are 65 minutes each. God, as if Helms wasn't bad enough at only 45 minutes. Well, at least I get some extra time for 2nd period. Lol...two really good friends are in that period, so it's all good. *shrugs* I just want to scream right now. Just scream out my lungs until I can't even speak any longer. My voice is muffled out by the songs of my heart and the echoes of my dream's desires. Heh...that almost sounded poetic! Good lord, maybe I'm not feeling good. I've been sneezing all night. They say that if you sneeze more than twice in a row, someone you care deeply about is thinking of you in that special way. *sigh* I think I've just got a cold. Sadly, I know for a fact that the young woman I care for doesn't feel the same for me. *shakes head, blushing* Sheesh, just thinking about her makes me blush and it takes something for me to blush. I mean that. Anyways...I think I'm going to button up my jacket and go for a long walk. I can really use the time to think to myself. Then I'll get some sleep. Talk to you tomorrow. So, as aways, Senji-ku, signing off saying...*blushes*...damn...not even asleep yet and I'm already dreaming. So, never mind on the quote for this entry. Ja mata and catch ya on the flipside.
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