I see her face with every punch I take...

Feeling: weird
Gifts and Curses...hands down one of my new favorite songs of all time. It's not just the lyrics, or the coolinstrumental solo towards the end, it's everything as a whole. Everytime I hear it, I've been inspired for a new fight scene for Senji. Heh...my poor boy...he is supposed to be my alter ego, the person I strive to be, yet I've neglected him for sooo long. I know it's only fictionous characters, but I still bad, ya know. I mean...I put a lot of my heart into them, then ignore them. Well...no more. Um...lets see...what else? Oh yeah! I HAD THAT GREAT, FABULOUS, AND AWE-INSPIRING WONDERFUL DREAM AGAIN LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sighs happily* Though, it does prove that the fates/God hates me. Why? Because you don't let someone dream something that wonderful only to be woken up by a 170 lb. German Shepard jumping on your...er...a location of the male body that no man in general should ever be kicked, punch, stabbed, sporked or what not. *sighs again, blushing* BUT DAMN!!! What a dream.... Aside from that, nothing really to report. I think I'm coming down with a cold/flu, though. Heh...my bad. I also realized Evansville is boring to cruise around during the day time. Well, I got to run. I've got to go pick up the little shit known as my younger brother from school. Then I've got some errands to run. Hopefully I'll be on later this afternoon/sometime this evening. Later! P.S....Did I mention how much I love dreamings?
Read 4 comments
^_^ Glad you had a great dream? What was it about?
Don't throw away your fictious side, Senji. He's cool, as are you. You are like him in more ways than you know.

*squints at the color* you really need a brighter color on that black. It's getting kinda hard to see. Maybe a lighter blue, or less harsh black, maybe a dark/medium gray. Txt me if you need me. Later

Nice username. It's interesting. :)
dreams are awesome