I'm just someone who is like you...

Listening to: Save Me- Remy Zero
Feeling: alone
I'm going to try and keep this short. Ashley is worried about me (you'll find out why shortly),so I need to get some rest. Today was a mixed bag of nuts. First, I woke up sicker than sick. I literally dragged my ass out of bed. My mom is so pissed at me for going. (102.3 degree as of right now) That was crappy,but I got to see my crush on the way to homeroom. God...any girl that can make me smile only at the sight of her smile...I love that feeling. Then my day got crappy again when Earth Science rolled around. First Belldandy wasn't there, then I cut my index finger working on the rocket. Then my day got better when I saw my crush again. She actually talked to me a couple times. I felt so torn inside...wanted to ask her out but didn't want to risk that awesome moment. Then it got fucking bad when I went out running after school. I ran for an hour and then went lifting weights. I passed out...I actually passed out!!! God...what a loser.And that's my reason for Ashley worrying.She says I need to get into bed and rest. So...I'm off. I've got the last anime club of the year...of my highschool career...tomorrow. I don't care if I have to go in on lifesupport....I'm throwing that. I've waited too long for this. I get to elect a new president and some other reasons for wanting to be there*blushes*. So,until tomorrow, this is everyone's favorite baka futori haisha Senji-ku signing off, saying ja mata, sweet dreams and catch ya on the flipside. Random Quote: Love is only for those losers too afraid of being alone...-Hide Wrong...it's cats...-Eric
Read 4 comments
Glad to hear about the crush...AND ANGRY YOU WENT TO SCHOOL! Senji-kuuuuuuu! Bad bad bad! I'm sorry I wasn't there...I felt awful today...I hope that you feel better.
Hey Tim! I'm Jess's friend Brittany. She says your really cool, so I decided to check out your diary. I hope you don't mind if I add you. Lovin' the anime theme going on here- w00t! ^_~ Maybe I'll see you someday or another in Evansville. If not, have a great summer!

-The Blue Haired Goddess
I can't believe I redid my diary like this...but here ya go, Senji-ku.
Have FUN out of school ...yeah it's sad you won't get to see us but COME ON your Freeeeeeeeee ^_^ oh and me and george are having a little clashing but don't pick sides .......i have NO problem with you still being friends with her ....and i hope you do go to college after a while it should be a good expirence not saying that you have to or anything i'm just sayin ya know? i know ya know ? i have to pee so yeah Byes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!