An apology.

Feeling: sane
Not a lot to say, really. Mostly because I don't feel like writing alot. But I mostly need to say a couple things. ^_^ Then you can all go about your business. First, if I've ever bugged anyone...any of the point were you just tune me out and nod your head, I apologize. I picked Rob up from school today and he told me that a friend told him that they didn't really like me when I hung out around them, and that they barely listened to me because I only drove them crazy with my complaining and stuff. Honestly, if I drove a good friend to feel that way, I can just imagine how the rest of must feel when talking to me. Again, I apologize. Next, I got an email from someone asking me how come I keep crushing on someone if they aren't going to like me back because obviously I'm not a guy worth liking if I keep striking out like I do. Well, man, yeah, I agree. I'm not the guy woman find worth dating. Hell, I think that only one woman out there even likes talking to me and the only reason I know that is cause she told me so. Aside from that, crushes are just crushes. You like `em, you move on. They're mostly there to make you forget about who you truely like. You know..that one person who you swear with all you are that, even if you were married, if they'd ever give you a chance you'd take it? Heh...I don't even know why, but I keep this note in my wallet that I was going to give this girl at the end of school before I graduated. Of course, being the fat loser I am, I chickened out and kept it hidden. I keep meaning to throw it away, I really do. But each time I head for the trash, I'll read it and remember a promise I made about if she'd just give me one shot. ^_^ And what's a man if he isn't his word. A man's word/promise is worth more than some countries, so you can't even put a price on it. Especially if it is a gentleman's word. Finally, I like catgirls. Yeah, random thought, but I like ending things randomably. Catgirls are cute and innocent. They're also a kickass thing to draw if you're bored. Someone once asked why I love them so much. The answer is simple: the ears and tail. Heh...some women like elves, I like nekos. =^_^= *sigh* Well, that's it from me today. If the stuff I was going to post is important enough, I'll post it later. If not, I'll talk to you all later. Until our paths cross once more.
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heyyyy, r u hoTT?
First of all, I was talking to your brother about LAST YEAR. You've gotten so much better about not demeaning yourself. Second, it only annoyed me when you complained about how much of a sorry loser you are. Why can't you see that a sweet guy isn't such a bad thing? It's when you play someone that you're not that gets quite annoying, Third, I wasn't myself today, because my mother was in surgery, and I needed to lash out at something...If I (c)
upset you, I am so sorry. Jess wasn't in school today, so I had no one to vent on...and your brother is a Jerk, sad to say (I have to work in his group in Sociology). Really, Senji-ku, I am sorry...
And by the way, Kelli, if you are enough of a bitch to judge someone on looks alone....I hope you fall for the ugliest man on earth. And asking someone about their looks first is terrible and pisses me off. If you screw with Tim's heart, you bitch, you will regret it, I swear.
*hugs* I'm always here for you Senji-ku. And you never know what the future holds. You'll find love someday, I know it.