Like trains rolling off the tracks...

Listening to: Dreams- Van Halen
Feeling: dizzy
This is just an awesome song. I've had it stuck in my head all day, especially after the 'pep' assembly that was mostly a time to think. Heh...speaking of thinking...I need to stop doing that. Otherwise, either my head'll start hurting or it'll explode. *sigh* I have been feeling like crap all damn day. I got introuble by two more teachers today, one for arguing and the other for dozing off in class for the second day in a row. I don't honestly care. 36 days and I can either stick around or kiss this city full of my friends, loved ones, dreams and heartache good bye. Heh...18 and I feel like I'm 36. *shakes head* Anyways, Spring Break is finally here. I have so many projects to finish,not that any of them honestly matter. Then I've canceled my trips to Chicago and this anime convention in Nashville. I just want to stick around town, maybe to go to Clarksville and buy some anime soundtracks. So, a full week and a couple days to just sit around and do nothing but draw, write and film a movie. *coughs* GOD WHY MUST I FEEL LIKE SHIT!!! Grrr....anyways....I'm trying not to be annoying or a bother to anyone any longer, so...this is Senji-ku/Ears signing off as always, saying Ja mata and catch ya on the flipside!
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Awwww *hugs* Seni-ku...You know I'm here if you need me. And I know things will get better, have faith...
Heh...luckily faith is something I still have plenty of. And if not, even though I annoy ya, I know I've got a handful of good friends like you to help me out.
Good, and you better not forget it, or I might have to hit you with a book again ^_^
~Kalliope won't do any such thing. Not unless you want me to react in a way that'll instantly make me win...^_~