The stars are fading fast...

Feeling: wet
**Good song** Today just hasn't been my day. Yes, I know I'm sad, but today I just can't find anything to truly make me smile. I keep letting myself get let down by things I cannot change. It's I mean...I'm always there when I'm needed. I never look at anyone with any form of hatred (Unless it's Runyon). I always have that free shoulder, or two, to cry on...yet lately I find myself leaning on my own shoulders. It isn't fair. I'm a good person as are those I care about. Why can't we have what we want? We deserve it...even if what one of us wants is shadowed by what the other wants. God...I'd give my soul to see them all happy. What the hell is the damn point of having more than you need if you can't have what you want? I can't draw worth anything, regardless of what someone says. I can face that. But I should be able to snap my fingers and make you all happy. But I can't. I really do wish I was Superman... *wipes away tears* I'm sorry. I shouldn't be carrying on like this. It's not gentlemanly. And I know that gentlemen can be boring if they don't wear their collars down, but I wear mine up to cover my face. *coughs* Anyways, today was a mixed bag of mixed events. Only highlight was getting a good laugh during 7th period. And the really long shadow...heh...theres a list, want me to cite it? Heh... Anyways, my qoute for from me..."I like being sad. It makes me happy." Isn't that called an oxymoron, class? Anyways, this is Senji-ku, signing off saying...stop letting life pass you by. We all deserve happiness, take that dive, because in the end, there is always someone at the bottom of that cliff to catch you and dry your tears. He, or she, may not be who you were jumping for...but at least they care enough for you to be there. Ja mata and catch ya on the flip side.
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your backround is pretty interesting Lol

Sorrow is all in the eyes of the beholder. One man's sadness is another's joy. But at the same time, it's a chain. One in sorrow makes another...till all are sad. So smile, for the links in the chain who care ^_^