Rifles, C-4, Preps and Cell Batteries...

Feeling: torn
Well, today was interesting. I went to HotTopic just to pick up two new anime keychains...I walk out with -another- Sesshoumaru plushie (now 5 in total), an Inuyasha baseball cap, the entire Inuyasha action figure line (or at least the ones they had in which I think was all), a few anime t-shirts and the two keychains. *sigh* If you can't tell, I was in a giving mood to myself today. I'm always wanting to take care of my family and friends, so I thought I'd take care of myself today. Then I went out for a midday run and shopping that was intertwined with txting Ashley. Heh...that girl. First voice I heard this morning was her's thanks to a voice mail, and the last one I heard. Well...last one that mattered anyhow. After dinner, my friends drug me to Arc Lanes for a 9-ball tournament and random games of pool. After a few hours there, Ash had called and I had to call her back. *smiles slightly* She helped me realize that it is my curse in life to make the cutest girls I ever meet giggle. That's all. Lol...well, I can live with that I suppose. Then, after I left, I came home to put the stuff away so I could go for a late night run in the rain since it was raining for a bit. I got into my room and looked around. Whats the point? Honestly? I have so much to share of both what I have around me and within me, yet none to share it with. Yeah, my friends borrow an anime dvd or video game every so often and I have no problem with it. But almost every Saturday night, it's like a cycle with me. It's me, alone in my room, on a couch by myself and watching Adult Swim followed by a few hours of drawing then late night/early morning run. It's not that I'm tired of the muldane, I'm just tired of everything with me being a one-person show. I just want for once to spend that time with someone that feels equally the same about me. Yet as time goes on, I feel that any chances I have are not there. So, upon coming to this realization, seeing the picture of my crush, and not wanting to upset Ash (she said she'd kill me if I worked out and got sick again), I've decided to turn in for the night. It may not seem like much, but I think everything is finally catching up with me. I just need some time to me and my thoughts. I'll see you all tomorrow. Until our paths cross again, this is everyone's favorite baka futori haisha Senji-ku signing off, saying ja mata and catch ya on the flipside. Random Quote:So this is how democracy is to die...with thunderous applause... - Padame, Star Wars- Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. Was she talking about the Emperor or George W. Bush? Think about it...
Read 5 comments
........i made Trey read it and all he said was I needed to change my diary name ...true but i don't want to get rid of my diary !
awsome diary setup

-Halo player-
The mundane is what everyone hates Senji-ku. You saw a picture of your crush? Aww ^_^ And you talk to Ash more than I do anymore! >.< Tell her I said "Hi" for me would you? *hugs* I'm here if you need me...NEW INUYASHA OMGOODNESS!
New diary!!!! but i still will right in the other one from time to time
I responed to you comment on my diary entry!