Anyone miss me?

Listening to: Dreams- Van Helen
Feeling: adored
Heh...this song is stuck in my head something horrible. ^_^ computer died on me over the weekend. So, until I get a new computer, my online time will probably most likely be at school. Right now, I type this from my 7th period Creative Writing class. Anyways...I hope to have a new computer up and going by tomorrow, this weekend at the latest. So, until then, updates will be varied and I'll just chat with friends at school, and then on the phone ^^. Anywho, this weekend was a bust as was today. I was able to get a couple entries done for the local anime contest. I know I -will- lose ^_^ So I'll finally beat you, Jess!!!!! YES!!! *insert generic evil laugh here* Well, I'm outta here. I got a good friend to bug and so on and not much to comment on. I mean, I could say how much I missed talking to a a couple of you this weekend, but do you really need me getting all sappy? Lol...thought not. Well, until all is fixed on my end, this is Senji-ku/Ears/Streetwalker signing off, saying ja mata and catch ya on the flipside.
Read 4 comments
Senji-ku, I missed you a bundle, so don't forget it.
I know you did. You were one of the two I missed talking to alot without my computer. *sigh* If only I was more of a phone chatter -_-u.

Lol, don't even ask about me and phones...I'm so easily distracted when it comes to phones.
Thanks for calling, I luv talking to you. it always makes my day alot better. ^_^
I don't mind it at all when you bother, errr, talk to me, in fact I always look forward to you bothering me.
well either way she would make fun of me, even if it had nothing to do with payback. oh well, i don't mind, that's what friends do right? Well my friends anyway. Can't wait to talk to you on AIM.
BTW your a way better phone talker than me.