...just another boy...

Feeling: cursed
Ok...ok...I realize where that song comes from, it makes me seem so childish, but the first few line...it sums me up into a nutshell: I wanna change the world, I wanna find my pearl, I wanna be the one who In the end gets a pretty girl... Don't wanna be outdone, I wanna be second to none, I wanna be the hero not a zero To anyone. But I'm subtraction by addition, And I'm a pretty bad magician, I haven't figured out my mission, Just another boy with blind ambition. Man, I've been a jackass lately. It's weird, as I only get this way when I fear I've truly lost. Like a wild dog with his arm trapped...I feel like I could just chew it off to get free. I keep letting these chances pass me by. I mean, I know these chances are like betting on a one-legged horse at the derby, but I just want to reach out and take a hold of them. I have this thing that the underdog somehow is always the winner. Heh...well...this old dog is ready for his turn in the winner's circle. I didn't update yesterday's entry simply because I forgot. But how about a slight recap? First, I get lectured by my mother that I haven't taken my SATs yet, nor have I replied to any acceptance letters to either art college in Chicago. Then my parents, little brother, and 3 of my best friends jump my ass for not chosing a college yet. I got arrogent and placed a challenge to Jessica. See...she is always one step ahead of me and always knows the thought on the tip of my mind. So I think I can finally beat her...finally be one..no...two steps ahead of her for once. That I can pull off something so grand, so perfect, that it'll leave her stuttering and blushing and even her good friend Paula will have no choice but to be impressed by this dimwit! *insert generic evil laugh here* But...if I do lose...and that's a big IF...then she'll get a sealed first season box set of Inuyasha and a movie of her choice. *smile softly* It's funny...I haven't asked what I get if I win, yet. *Sigh* Well...got to be going for now. I've got work to do and a good pal to chat with. So, this is Senji-ku signing off and saying Ja mata and catch ya on the flip side. _____________________________________________
Read 3 comments
cowboy bebop rocks!
Cool, diary, whats that from at the top? Did you write it?