...I'll hold onto the wings of the eagles...

Feeling: worried
Well, I'm sure you've all heard that song before. Heh...all this talk about Kryptonians and bad weeks galore, I had to listening to something up beat. Well, what a whacky 48 hours. Between nightmares, projects, school and such, I'm ready for the weekend and get some sleep. *Woman comes over and whispers something in my ear* Uh...what?...it is the weekend?...I've just not been paying attention?! *coughs, adjusting collar* Well, never mind then. Then I guess I can't wait for tonight to get some rest. I stayed up to 6 this morning working on some things for the Red Dawn project (EARS!) and dozed off for a few hours. So now I'm scurring to get my intended work for the weekend done. Over all, I'm in a better mood today than I was yesterday. Well...minusing a headache that won't die and a stomach ache that keeps re-occuring. Heh...I just had to realize (and I did this after 5 hours of walking and 2 hours of Detective Conan) that nightmares are just dreams that we want to wake from. I mean, yeah, it scared the living hell out of me and I woke up in tears, but it was just a dream. And dreams aren't real. *sigh* Anyways, a good friend of mine said that I'm always depressed. Well, since she isn't here today, or tomorrow, heck, she probably won't even read this for a few days, I can say what I want. OH! By the way, good luck, Paula. Not that you'll need it!! Anywho...I'm not always depressed. Believe it or not, there are somethings in this crazy world of ours that does make me happier beyond all reason. I'm just not used to desiring something that was agreed on by both my mind and my heart. And when I realize that what I desire shall never come to pass...it makes me sad. Heh...never thought I'd ever let anything get me down, but then again...the reason is something I wouldn't trade the world for. *smiles* Anyways, I'm just rambling now. Um...some other highlights: Saw the Seusssical musical teaser yesterday. It wasn't half bad. I want to go see it tomorrow, but I don't know with the way I'm feeling. I just find it amazing that a high school play is so good that certain friends are going to see it every night (well, they have extra incentives ^_~). I got some new Anime (Conan!) and we're throwing a large Anime/Japanese Club party Wensday after school. Sad thing is that we aren't allowed to cook anything. *weeps* And to top off yesterday's events, four of my friends believe they know who my crush is. And knowing the way a couple of them think, I wouldn't doubt it. And for today's highlights? Nothin` really. I've got work to do, some friends to hopefully chat with and I might go see Ring 2. *shrugs* But to each their own, I suppose *wink* Anyways....rambling on and on again. Please forgive me. But then again, I guess that's whay these are for, aren't they? Lol. Well, this is Senji-ku and Ears signing off, saying ja mata and catch ya on the flip side!
Read 3 comments
Heh, Sejni-ku. I know who your crush is ^_^ And I think that if you're happy, stay happy, and if you're sad try to get happy. And I have extra incentives...*blushes* But still, you should go to the musical!
Trust me, Jess, if I'm feeling up to it I most certainly will. If not, I'll feel bad because it looks so awesome.

Btw...^_~ I agree with all your first comments.
So you agree that I know who your crush is...*grins* Victory!