
Feeling: chillin
i hate when i dont get what i want. all i wanted was a simple hug. a simple fucking hug. but no, i couldnt have it. i get in moods where i'm really depressed. i dont know what to do about it. i can barely fight the urges to hurt my self. but i find that hugs help. i sound like a freaking psychologist. but am i wrong? ok, enough about that. work sucks. i miss tonya all day. i cant sleep at night anymore. when i cant sleep i feel lonely. people have been starting drama. i want to kill someone. i get yelled at when it's not my fault. i hate it. i like krispy kreme doughnuts. and pizza. except not poppa johns pizza. it must taste too good cause it leads to abondonment. i'm going to bed because i hate you all.
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holy shit!
bubbi, i love you so bad! i hate when you're in moods like that...MAJORLY! i was trying to figure what was wrong but it didnt work. Last night was great ...well i thought so i loved sitting on your lap when we were done racing...just looking into your eyes..trying to remember you, so i can see you everytime i close my eyes. every dimple, every tooth, ever hair..everything. and then you kissed me softly on my cheek and forehead..how was that not
not good enough for you? it was simply bliss to me. i just dont understand..and it's making me want to cry.
no shit Wednesday's the shit.

hope you get that hug you want so bad.