
Listening to: the log commercial
Feeling: chillin
log rolls down stairs rolls over in pairs rolls over your neighbors dog it's great for a snack it fits on your back it's log log log it's log log it's big it's heavy it's wood it's log log it's better than bad, it's good everyone wants a log your gonna love it log come on and get your log it's log it's log LOG FROM BLAMO p.s. joltbloodedpsycho deserves much respect.
Read 6 comments
dwayne...ur so cooool. i wish i could remember where i heard that song...it was on some cartoon...damnit...<33
Respect. :D
whoa. its a log. whoa.
Ren and Stimpy baby!
are you ever going to write a new entry?!
20 inches when we roll out!!...my nigga...get at me homie..peaaaace