so, what of it

Feeling: torn
so i typed this huge entry with all sorts of meaningful crap in it... but as is the custom with sitdiaries... as soon as you type a big entry it decides to freeze or sign you out. fuckin shit ass bitch. so anyway.. tonya and i told her mom the good news, and guess what, she didnt believe us at first and then she has the nerve to lecture us... like she makes all these perfect life choices and tries to act like tonya and i are making a bad choice. and that really pisses me off, of course i realize that there is a lot more of that to come, but fuck 'em. so anyway i wanted to get rid of some clothes cause i have alot. i've worn the same size clothes for almost 5 years now.. which is funny cause i'm only 19, like that wouldnt be surprising if i was like 30 or something, but i'm 19... the other thing i noticed is that in the past 3 or 4 years my style hasnt changed much at all. so i only got rid of like one garbage bag full of clothes.. they are all in very good shape. almost brand new. and most are really nice clothes too. i've got a pair of raver pants i've only wore once. dickies shorts i've only wore like 5 times. t shirts, sweaters, barely wore. i had to force myself to get rid of them. the only reason i am getting rid of the dickies shorts is cause for some reason i need like a size or two bigger in dickies and i was too lazy to return them... i also have seven pairs of sneakers, but i'm not gettin' rid of them. i love my sneakers, well, except my etnies, i freakin hate etnies. they can burn in heck'a'mado. yeah thats right, heck'a'mado. i should get rid of some of my sweatpants shorts, but i love all of them except my yellow ones, and tonya loves my yellow ones, so she can wear them.. my grey ones are my favorite. then my light blue then red, then dark blue, then yellow. anyway, tonya and i bought some more baby stuff at wal-mart. and she bought me a pair of dickies shorts, but alas, yet again, i forgot that i need a size bigger, so i gotta go return them. i'm gonna do that wheneva it stops snowin' baby, you make my heart beat faster -the distillers, beat your heart out. j peace out ghoulscout xXx
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give your clothes to charity. that's what i do. later.
i dont understand the point of those shorts....they're HEAVY sweat pants for gods sake.