what is wrong with me?

aparently using my EMAIL address doesnt work for logging in... so anyway, what the hell is wrong with me? for the past two weeks every night around 8 i start getting a headache, at around nine it starts getting really bad, at around nine thirty my stomach starts hurting, by ten my chest hurts, my stomach and chest pains then combine into one unbarable pain which hurt so bad i can barely notice my blinding headache... some nights arent so bad but nights like last night are... i took headache medicine last night and went into work late... when i got there i kept having to go to the bathroom cause i thought i was gonna throw up, every time i just ended up dry heaving.. and now it's started again tonight... i've already called off work, i told them if i feel better i'll be in but dont count on it.... i feel like i have a fever, but tonya says i feel fine, maybe i'm just creating all of my symptoms in my head, maybe i'm a hypochondriac... but i dont think so, last night and thismorning i had body aches all over, now my ear is starting to hurt like an ear infection... i think it's just the changing seasons, i normally do this every year, but it's never been quite this bad b4 i'll get thru it, i'm so hungry, i need to go eat... and like tonya said... i didnt see her last night so i know it's not her making me sick :)
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this is all happening because you're not eating healthy. Three meal a days pisshead!! - love, boogerbutt
thanks. :)