Well, Kristen and I got in a fight online 'cause I like another girl and it turns out she was thinking of going back out with me. And then, later last night, she called me and we talked until she went to bed and she said she was "mad but not mad". Which makes no sense to me. Why do girls have to be so confusing?
lmao...we are all weird...but you're wicked weird..*psst, thats good
hahaah if i were drunk i'd probably end up having sex with my bf. haha oh mn that was bad
haha i had a ton of fun at your house!! hehe i ♥ your house!! and your doggies are THE BEST!! hehe i wanna steal ....the big one...i dont know how to spell his name!! lol
aw lol i loved holding your hand!! it was effin awesome!! lol

No prob, thats so cute.
hey yeah i had a good time she got a really good tatoo...but yeah it was fun...
aw, cute! i'm happy for you. coolness, things seem to be going well with sarah. that sucks about the concert, but hey you know, what can you do.
That's sweet*_*

What you wrote was sweet lol.Sorry I should have said that the first time.

Your welcome.

a black butterfly with skulls in it
hey how do you get a mouse?? like what site and like where do i put all those numbers and letters!!
yeah she loves it...it is really cool...i found the guy that im getting my tatoos from now lol....hes good and pretty cheap