*106* Love is as Red as The Rose on Your Coffin Door

Listening to: MCR-Cemetary Drive
Feeling: placid
My heart fades to black and turns to stone at the sight of you-Yet I love you so Okay, well this is going to be the last entry for a bit. I am going to write here once a week, maybe more, like if it is more than it is probably one a quiz or something out of boredom. This will motivate me to update my written journal. That is the main reason. also because no one comments so I don't think anyone reads this, so it is semi-pointless to type it all. I don't really mind the no comments though, lol. Today I have been really happy but I felt like crying. Like their has been a knot in my throat all day and earlier tears were welling up in my eyes, but of course, they never fall. I rarely cry. Some say it is unhealthy but so is a lot of other things I do, so I guess it fits me, lol. I fucking hate people. I mean how the fuck can you say such hurtful things to someone you don't even fucking know? How can you speak to someone with such fucking hatred like that? I don't get people, and ppl fucking wodner why I have a trust problem and why I fucking cut! Fuck everybody okay, what the fuck ever.
Read 8 comments
Kimmi, I fucking love you with every bone in my body! I finally made a sitdiary! Aren't you proud of me? Well, I hope that bitch Brandi gets the fuck over herself!
By reading the comments that people have left, it seems that you know alot of jack ass people, Ignore them, but cutting yourself isnt going to solve your problems, believe me I know, I cut for 3 years, and all it got me was scars that will never go away, I know its hard, but dont give up. hoe things get better for you.
ik wut you mean. People are so quick to judge and say w/e they want no matter who gets hurt or even if they kno the truth. It hurts but sometims we gotta take it and make ourselves stronger by it. I like ur diary and the pic is awesome lol
that person is just jealous because they can't be confident like you. And hun you are not fat and u are not ugly. PPl just want to make themsevlesfeel better by bringing someone else down. Dont let em get to you lol. ty for the comment. ur sweet i'm not very confident so i dont think i look that great but ty for the compliment
okiedokie. :)

you cant really expect me to read it if im not made your friend...lol

aw :( i like when you update everyday, it makes me happy :(

but if its what you want..
u should have confidence. u gotta love urself to love others. n the ppl who tell u otherwise and just trying to make themselves feel better. I kno its hard believe me i've working on it for a loong time and i'm still workin at it. no worries it'll come until thne we got each other to help each other out