Thats chris and billy lol

haha its me and billy

i love this pic of chris haha isnt he awesome !!
ill write more later gotta go see my chris ! whoop.
isnt laura soo cute
hehe i love my laura she is the coolest little kid and she is awesome to play with haha we spent like 3 hours at the park the other day it was awesome
not possible...I LOVE YOU THE MOST!
ohhhh but i do love you more jade. you cant possibly love me as much as i love you and still be straight...so ha!
lol j/k, i had to say it, the opportunity was too good to pass up, lmao.
andway...i love you tons!
i cant believe they broke up! *cries harder* i loved them sooooooooooooooooo much!!! :'(
i blame barry cuz everythings always his fault, and even when it isn't, we blame him, lol. hes our scapegoat.
ok, ill get the superglue, you get the duck tape...his heart will be good as new, right?
:'( i love gerard...and bert...:'(
i know, we'll help gerard, he'll be all better before we know it.
what is it with that little kid flipping the camera off in every pic? lol no offense or anything..
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we miss you!!! ♥
lol yes she is adorable, i love little kids!