so yesterday sucked.
and the day before that sucked.i think it sucked more.
i guess yesterday didnt suck as bad as monday did. yesterday i got into a fight with brian because i am an idiot, and then i hung up on him which was a big mistake on my part.
other then that it was pretty good. i went to see the longest yard with my best friend out here, that movie was freakin awesome. it was wicked funny.
but monday.
found out something horrible and i have been stressing out over it and thats kinda why the whole thing started with brian but anyways ..
my grandmother called me on monday and told me my great grandmother was in the hospital, because her breast cancer came back.
cancer, scary word.
so i have been stressing out because i want to be home more then anything right now because i want to be with her. its not enough just sending her a card or calling her.
it sucks.
but she is out of the hospital now and at home which is good, my grandmother said it wasnt as bad as the last time she had it. which made me feel better.
but i havent seen chris since like saturday. because i have been just lounging around the house. not doing anything but playing on the computer.
but i am going to the beach tommorow.
i dont think i have written and actual entry in awhile. lol.
and i changed my diary around. i was getting sick of it.
well it just rained out here and i went out and it felt so good. especially since me and brian just got into another fight and i said something horrible to him but he said somethings too
and i just broke my foot to let everyone know.
but whatever.
i cant let it affect me cuz i dont wont to be depressed.
im going to warped tour in august (i get to see my gerard!!!!!!!) instead of having a birthday party or whatever, and i asked lindsey to come, and i told her all the bands that would be there and stuff, and she replies with 'that sounds awesome, cant wait to go...hey, can mike come too?'
howd you manage that one?
i dunno, just...things.
im going to warped tour in august (i get to see my gerard!!!!!!!) instead of having a birthday party or whatever, and i asked lindsey to come, and i told her all the bands that would be there and stuff, and she replies with 'that sounds awesome, cant wait to go...hey, can mike come too?'
i dunno, it kinda hurt :(