yea things were awesome my last week in mass.
and somethings were bad.
really bad,
ook if someone said to you that they liked talking too you better when you were drunk rather then sober..wouldnt you be hurt too. so yea i was drunk and thats what brian said about me to heather on the phone and he said he was just kidding, whatever.
but even if he was just kidding ... that still hurts he would say something like that, i mean thats not something you say to someone.
and then he said he wasnt going to call me anymore that i had to call him, he told heather it was like a test to see if i would actually call or something. but like umm i cant call because i am in the middle of bumfuck nowheres and it costs a lot of money to call, and plus my dad wont let me, i would use my cell but have no effing minutes.

i am soo glad i got soo drunk though lol it was soo much fun.
ohh but i didnt tell you about my fuckin mom, she didnt even come and say goodbye to ues. ohh yea she went on a fuckin bikeride called me and my sister and said i wont be home goodbye. i was like thanks mom i havent seen you for a week now and you wont even come home to say goodbye. real nice, eh?
and what sucks is i could only stay at sarahs party for like 5 mins. but i love her :)

the boy is tyler, i dunno if you know him, hes a freshman. or, he was. i suppose you'd call him a sophomore now? lol. hes cool tho.
that whole brian thing kinda sucks :(
well that sucks that hes gotta go to the hospital again...and that you haven't really been able to talk much.
i miss and love you lots too!