aww look its my chris

Image hosted by hehe thats my chris, i had him in my last entry but i deleted it b/c it was too big so i resized him and now its there, i resized the other one and its up there ^ see look, haha isnt he so hott. well too bad he is mine lol, i love him i am sittin here with his sister now he is still sleeping though lol what a loser its like 230 but anyways ill talk to you all later edit yea he didnt wake up till 4 lol what a loser and yea i was sitting outside with his sisters and his mom (his mom loves me lol) and all the sudden you here out the window FEED ME !! lol. i know he is such a loser and i am rambling on.. ok i get the hint ill stop now. blahh i dont know what to do somebody help me :( ook here are the basics, i soo want to go out with chris butttt i would feel guilty but its not like i would still be going out with him when i get back I DONT FUCKIN KNOW but i want my chris :) i love himmmm blah w/e THEGREENWHORE****** look here is another pic of my chris Image hosted by
Read 8 comments
I love you jade!!
your plannning on cheating on me???


i love you babe

*whispers* guess what?

i love you ♥

and i miss you.

sorry, odd mood, lol. but yeah, i miss you a TON, and i hope things work out with you and your chris, and for gods sake, i hope you fed him, lol ;)
psst...guess what?

pssh youre not guessing! i said guess dammit!

give up yet?

ok, guess what?

i love you!

bet you never woulda got it, huh? lol ;)
anyway...haley told paige that she talked to lindsey, and lindsey told her that she didnt like me, that she never had, and that she would never date me cuz im too 'dramatic' which, i dont think lindsey would have said that, especially not to haley...but i dunno, i wont let myself completely rule it out either...low self esteem i suppose...
yeah, im hoping haley was lying, i mean, me and lindsey talked about 'us' on the way home, and at one point i was like 'well lindsey, if you'd rather just stay friends, im ok with that. just let me know, im not gonna like, hate you if you decide you dont like me....i'll always be your friend, no matter what happens now.' and she said that she didn't want me to back off...and wouldnt she have if she didnt like me?
i dunno, its all complicated, and i wish i knew what was real and what wasnt :(

eh well, anyway...

yeah, haley likes me...and anything else that moves *rolls eyes* i seriously cant stand her.

aww jade im so happy for you! i hope it works out and all that.

i love you more!!! ♥
i hope youre right...i really do like her.

haha, fireworks huh? sounds awesome.

who am i gonna tell? lol.
