
oh man thre are many things i dont get. and this is one off them... here it goes i dont understand why black people like chicken so much .... i just dont get it. Like Italians like there pasta and stuff cuze the grow alot of that shit in there country. But i swear there are no chikens in africa... then again i could be wrong... i have never been. i just dont understand the relation between black people and Kfc it confuses me. i really am an idiot wondering about the most useless things. i dont wanna sound like i am getting all up on the black people and trying to affend them but there is another thing i dont get. why they have black history month, i think the jews should have it more. instead of being inslaved they actually died and were throughn into gas chambers, not just tortured and forced to pick cotton, i guess the jews are just frowned uppon or somthing i really have no clue... any wayz onto more important things .... wait that was 2 much thinking for one day me lazy go sleep sleep
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