
Feeling: confused
i am alittle confused. i went to my diary and my background was gone and the pic in the top left corner, what the dillio is going on, my diary looks all pathetic now, i dont like it . Arg mez a pirate :p Yesterday i made a wicked yummy coffe cake, with peanut butter chips it was so good. this song is makeing me feel all relaxed im feeling good right now, there is nuthing that could break me, well there is but meh, good old chillie peppers :D i stayed home today, cuz i did not want to go to school cuz yesterday i went tobogining and i went down bakwordz and went airborn and landed weird on my ankle which was stuck in the tobogin, it dont hurt 2 much now but i cant put 2 much pressure on it. it was wiked cool fun, plus it was night and there was no lights it was grood stuff.
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are u hott ? lol boredem CyNdy
dude the same thing happened to me! what the fuck is going on? i liked my damn background!
yeah well fire kicks ass and ive been on fire to lol some kid dont play with fire when your around idiots lol they like to shoot gasoline everywhere so that like the slitest spark and your leg and such is on fire ohh well and my deffiniton of hott is an outgoing pot smoking kid with a good persinality and a good sense of humor and from what i read u have both i mean all 4 lol i dont even know heh tootles CyNdY
haha this is pissin me off what is going on with the websit errr MY LITTLE PICTURE IS GONE.. well tootles CyNdY
ohh i see lol well thats kewl i gess heh so where is it that u live ?
hahah is it cold ? well i live in the us i hate it lol kill the AMERICANS jk jk im just a loser heh tootles CyNdY