well today we say the girl next door, well yesterday its all the same :P its only 2am so yah yesterday i guess.
that movie was so awesome it was funyn as hell!!! :D
oh man that girl is so hot 2 i was like :O
oh yeah grood stuff.
then l8ter we just wonderd around pickering,
then we were at mc donalds nuthing big after words just me and my friends chilling at my house right now.
Oh Yeah! i Made PIZZA!!! it was awesome iwas like this is grood stuff with the dough and cheeze and pepperoni man oh man its good stuff...real good :D
Right now im watching G.I. joes greatist
movie ever aswell as a series i love the good old cartoons there the greatist ones
in my opinion any way
i think im getting tired so im going to head off soon. l8terz to the pplz
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