Listening to: type o negatove- i dont wanna be
Feeling: insightful
Fukzor i just woke up and im so sleepy.
i went to bed at like 3:30am and now its like 12pm
i am so bored i think i might go to the mall and hang out there and buy some stuff cuz i got 50 bucks for doing that thing in oshawa again and it only took an hour and a half :D
now i got like $100 that i shall go and waste on sumthing guarnteed.
Omg last nite was good, i was watching dane cook , swear 2 god he is the funniest guy ever, i swear i woke up my dad at eleven from laughing so much it was grood.
I think im gonna go and pik up some pot l8ter like maybe a quorter or sumthing, i unno yet we hsall see as to what im doing l8ter.
There aitn to much to say cuz there aint 2 much going on that is worth explaining, or anything exciting so meh, other than i prolly failed to of my classes :P
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