2 high 2 see

earlier i smoked some pot and i was so baked but l8ter all of sudden i like could feel my muscles and then i started seeing fuckin colors then every thing went like blank and i got up and i was outside i thought i was dying or haveing a segur it was so fukked up im like shakky now its so weird how fukked i got oh man. i cant wait till thursday cuz then i get paid and they might have scrwed up and i might get like and extra $100 i hope i do that would be so awesome i think im gonna ease off the pot for just a few days to recover :P i fukkin half to go tmr for allergy tests again i was suposed to go like a few weeks ago all becouse when i was in the hospital on the march break.... man that was so long ago earlier some how i also managed to squirt water out of my nose my nose is still tingly well im sumthing outty
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lol oh man Dylan.
that sounds scary as fuk... but cool
stay safe man. loves.