It was great what me and 2 friends did earlier, we mad some snowman in the middle of the road.
some person stopped there car, and then kicked it over.
I got mad... i was all like DAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Then we just made big boulders and put them acroos the road, and cars would like go in the opposit lawn just to pass. It was so much fun.
i swear we almost started a comple accidents i would have just simply laughed.
Then there was some guy in like a huge truck that just went right through the boulders it was so funny.
then we just started to make snowbalss and threw them at random cars.
Then for no apparent reason i made a huge shroom out of snow then bit it for no reason what so ever. it was great.
The snow was so wet but inall it was much... other than the part were i got soacked cuz it was raining so i am some what sick again.
So i am going to have a a nice warm cup of "co-co" actualy ill stick to me green tea it just looks so green, who would of ever thoght
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