Born lonely die lonely`

Feeling: depressed
I dont understand what is going on right now. i am as just as confused as on the day i was conceived . i dont understand whats going on right. Its just that time of the year. just gets me down i guess. other than to realize how every thing that happens in life is pointless and fake. I have just lost my will to live life there is really no point any more. Ive wanted to kill my self like every dya on valentines day so many times just cuz, but to go out with style if only there was a way to live long enough to carve my own heart out would that not be making a statment or what, right on valentines da. all the pain that is couse and yet realived in nuthing more than a few seconds. if only yet my life honestly aint that bad so far. so we shallsee how things are to go. man i am so bored i think im gonna change my layout. i cant wait till this summer im gonna have a huge bush party by my house or just a party at m yhouse depending but im gettig enough people to come it eill all be good stuff im outy, have a horrific day
Read 4 comments
awe. i want you to be happier!!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!! i will be your valentine. haha! but yeah, be happy. it makes me sad!
murderdolls are great.
What time of year is it? [that makes u feel this way]
owwie lol that would hurt i like my yeah so what u been up to? i've been really like occupied lately its all good lol well bye Cyndy
cheer up babe.
i love the layout. its kickass.
later gator.
