its like 3am and im still up and i swear some one just rang my door bell and i swear i heard it 2.
it was prolly my friend around the block if it was any one :P
now im just watching some movie on city tv i have no clue what it is. i should prolly go to sleep becouse tmr i got a doctors appointment at like 12pm but for sum reason im still up.
i think im going to buy some movie tmr for the hell of buying movie i dont no which ones to get any suggestions?
i was thinking like:
Edward scissor hands
Red dragon
The Score
The Crow
but the the older crow withe brandon lee the other ones are fuckin shit they dont even comepare to it.
yeah i dont really care to buy newer movies cuz there aint any i really want. i want texas chainsaw masacar but i aint willing to pay lie 40 bucks for it including tax and all :P
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