Commercial Christmas

Feeling: isolated
On the last entry some one left this Bible verse (anonymously): He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him. I'm not sure why. It has nothing to do with the entry. I said I hated Christmas. Not Christ. It is the thought of Commercial Christmas that makes me stressed out not the thought of Jesus. It infuriates me when someone leaves a comment without a name. At least I could reply to this person and ask them what the Hell they meant. This person doesn't know if I believe in Jesus or God. They don't know anything about me. I don't appreciate being told that if I don't believe in God I will get His wrath. So I say to this person: I own a Bible so don't quote it to me. I'm perfectly able to read it myself. But next time you should leave your name in case I do have a question. Because apparently you are an authority on the subject.
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I got that same damn verse in my comments. I thought somebody just left me a random note like I asked. Pussywillow summbitch doesn't have the balls so they leave it anonymous.
Let's go huntin'.