Listening to: Blues Traveler
Feeling: alright
I had crazy dreams last night...I think one involved Connan O'Brien and an arena. *shrug* It's Monday and I payed absolutely no attention in classes today. Oh, well. Carol is supposed to come see me this evening. Hopefully she shows.
I think that I will try to do something with my life instead of hanging around Hicktown and becoming a hopeless drunk. It's hard for me to imagine leaving my home but it's hard for me to live with living here. lol I don't know what I'm saying. The point is that I want to be remembered for something.
I'm listening to Blues Traveler. I saw them in concert two years ago. It's really a funny story. It was a concert with a lot of different groups like Mos Def (the rapper) among other people. I was there with my sister Jhonna, her boyfriend Nick, and their two friends: David and Brian. Anyway, Blues Traveler was the last group to go on and by that time all the frat boys were drunk on the $5 a cup beer. We pushed our way to the front and one of the frat guys followed. It was so jam-packed that the crowd turned into a mosh pit and the frat guy beside me started sexually harrassing me... at least I think that happened but because we were so close together I couldn't tell for sure. Then people start crowd surfing and I get knocked in the head with someone's shoe. The frat guy was still harrassing me but he looked like he was going to puke so finally he stumbled off. We spent the rest of the night sleeping in my sister's car. Okay...maybe that story isn't very funny. Sorry. :-)
Next entry I'm going to talk about my future tattoo. Yay.
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