Listening to: Watching Law and Order: SVU
Feeling: torn
I had my advising appointment today. Blah. I hate my advisor. She is so controlling and she asked so many personal questions. Anyway, I'm taking Statistics, Chem 101 and Chem 101 Lab, Accouting 207, Intro to Business, and P.E. My advisor told me that I souldn't handle it. I really dislike her.
Tomorrow I have to get up at dawn to go register for my classes. I don't know how I'll accomplish that. I find it extremely hard to wake up at 10:15. I have a 8 to 10 page research paper due in English Monday so the weekend is shot.
Oh, the life of a college student.
Plus this weekend is Easter...gotta spend it with family. Oh yeah, I forgot I have to pack my room up at home. God!
Okay, I will not whine anymore. Jenn you need to update!! Have you talked to your mom and are we still having Easter dinner at Bobby's or your house?
I think I might stay up all night. I only have one class at 12:00 tomorrow so I'll nap in the afternoon. Yay...all night TV and infomercials. Great.
i commend and admire you for your effort to conquer it.
my mom is pretty cool, i mean after all she did give life to me.
you know what you need, a night out on the town. get drunk, get happy, get lit, and love it.
infomercials are my love.
go ron popeil, go ron.
i shall return.
until then, rock on my dear hero.
easter's coming?
such a good movie.
why must all the gifted ones be so extremely weird.