Listening to: Watching
Feeling: lonely
My roommate tells me that last night I talked in my sleep for hours. That freaks me out. The last time I talked in my sleep it really scared me. I don't know why.
Today in English I realized how horrible the area I live in is. People are so racist and just stupid. We had to write an arguement essay about why there should be universal, mandatory HIV testing. First of all, most people said that the group to write this essay to was the gay community because they are the people with the most AIDS, which is so not true. People in Africa are not on the majority gay and they have the biggest population of HIV positive people. This guy said that gay people must spread the most AIDS because they have "all those gay clubs and stuff". What an idiot!
Moving on...
Yesterday I tried to write a poem about a guy that I always write about. He's like this vision of a god with a really sweet personality. There never has been a chance between us because he used to be in love with my cousin Ruthie and also my sister. I always felt like I was third on the list, you know? I hate that. Anyway, I couldn't finish it. I just couldn't do it. It would not come out of me. For so many years I've been using him as my muse. There is no one else in my, there is not one guy that I've met in my life that is like him. And I don't even really know this guy. I've built him up and he's probably a jerk.
Moving on again...
I said I would talk about my upcoming tattoo. Here's a picture of how it will kind of be... It'll be thinner and more delicate. You guys like?
ben2 the perverted bear is fine, i just need to find more ways to torture him.
as for AIDS and all that, well i blame it all on the guy who did it with the first infected green monkey, damn pervs messin it all up for us 'free-love' people.
and well, i forgot what else i had to say so i'll say it later once it comes back to me. damn this brain of mine.
rock on my hero val, rock on.