Listening to: Bush
Feeling: mellow
Once again (twice this week) I am upset because of someone in my life that always puts me last. You know what? I'm over that. If that person wants to continue being my friend than she can call me and make plans not the other way around. And when she does make plans she can actually show up on time or fuckin call if she's going to be 3 fucking hours late.
Anyway, I'm listening to Bush which means I'm either crying or really upset. In this case it is both. I don't know why I expect people to be kind to me. I guess I don't deserve it but I also don't deserve to be treated like a second hand citizen because I'm not "cool" or some shit like that. Maybe I don't want to get shit-faced every weekend or smoke pot everyday. Boo hoo, that doesn't mean that I'm a fuckin nerd.
As you can probably guess this entry to directed to one person. We really need to have a conversation or we aren't going to be friends for much longer. But even if we aren't friends we are still cousins so I love you no matter what.
there's nothing wrong with being "sober" a majority of the time, in fact i envy people that know when enough is enough.
stand up for yourself.
bush rocks, figuratively and literally.
i am drawing a blank right now so i'll end this, but i'm sure i'll think of more clever things later.
rock on.