drama major

i wasn't able to write this weekend or monday and yesterday so i thought i'd write something real quick..plus, i really need to update. a lot happened this weekend and the past 2 days (monday and yesterday) but i don't have time to write about everything or i promise you i would. but anyhow. to sum it all up, things got really bad this weekend with todd and pam..it was MAJOR drama. but then yesterday things started to calm down a bit. STARTED to. and now, they are both downstairs holding hands and my mom said they are "trying" to work things out..which, i'm not quite sure how exactly i feel about that yet. but, ummmm...besides that, nothing really exciting happened. oh WAIT!! saturday i spent the whole day with braden, whom i LOVE to death. and sunday we were suppose to but i got grounded. yeah, i hate when that happens. so anyhow. on with today. hmmm..there's not much to say actually. in english we got these survey thingys about the "perfect" guy or something and sara was being cool as usual. and one of the questions on there was something about "how do you greet your friends?" and one of the answers was "with and punch and an insult" or something and i looked at sara and we both agreed that that was her. definantly!! (i love you though sara!!) and i got to talk to meg for a minute in the hall. i miss that girl a ton!! she has a game tonight and i'd go but i'm not for a few reasons 1.) i don't want to go alone 2.) i'm not sure how i would get there and 3.) braden is forcing me to go to youth group. but i know megan will kick ass..like always..because she rocks at basketball. and i already wished her good luck! i love you megan renee huck!!!! anywho. lauren wasn't at school today because she's snowboarding or skiing or something..i can't remember. and allie didn't come until lunch because i think she was sick. well, that's all. later.
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