how much i love her.

i didn't like today very much. i don't know why exactly. it just seemed like i was constantly in a hurry to get everywhere and it's never like that. i never had time to talk to anyone, like lauren for instance..and i really wanted to. after math class i walked with tara and thought we were going up to the third floor because she has spanish with lauren but we ended up stopping in the bathroom. well, i stopped with her..i didn't have to though. but i didn't get to see lauren because of it and so that was dumb. last night i spent forever downloading music so i could burn a cd for lauren. then i wrote her something and also wrote everything about each song that reminded me of her. i wanted to do it to make her smile because i love her and she's my best friend. i just want her to be okay. i'm trying really hard to be there for her too. i miss her a lot. we haven't seen eachother outside of school for like a million years and i haven't called her forever. we talk all the time at school but it's not enough. i miss her. in biology we did another hands on thing that had to do with DNA again and i thought it was cool because it was different then usual. yes i'm a dork..i know. i really do hate science though. but yeah. austin's my lab partner and him and braden are practically best friends so it's fun :-) i hope lauren liked the cd i made her. i hope it made her smile..if only a little. i hope that everything i'm doing for her is helping. i hope that everything i say is helping. i hope that she knows how much i want to be there for her right now. i hope she knows that i'm constantly praying for her. i hope she knows she's my best friend and that will never, ever change! but most of all, i hope she knows how much i love her.
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