just kill me now.

Listening to: dana glover
Feeling: bitchy
considering i stayed up until 3:30 or so this morning, it sucked having to get up at 8:00 to go to therapy!! yeah, you have no idea! joe didn't work me that hard though because i didn't wear my brace! hah! good. on the way home my mom stopped at Hardee's for me and got me a chicken bisquit that was verrrrrry yummy indeed! yay! when i got home i had so much energy which was weird considering i only got 5 hours of sleep last night. maybe it was because i exercised at therapy..but whatever it was it was nice. i did my laundry and got other things done that needed to be done. i was also in a really good mood all afternoon too. it was a very crazy day too..but extremely boring. lauren's leaving in two days, technically one though and it really, really sucks! i will miss her so much it won't even be funny. i hate that she's leaving..god, I HATE IT! five weeks without her will be so hard. ahhhhhh! kill me now, please! ahhhhhh! my parents and kim went to jonathan's house tonight because a bunch of people from church went i guess. i didn't go though because i just didn't feel like being social tonight, and i wasn't 100% that jonathan would even be there..which, he was! ughhh! oh well! i watched lots of good movies on tv though. ones from lifetime and stuff. well, mollie was at lauren's tonight and i guess i was talking to her and not lauren. she never even told me that it wasn't lauren until after i said a whole bunch of stuff so that was really cool. i felt like a total retard! about 30 minutes though, lauren imed me and told me not to worry about it. that doesn't really help much though. sorry! i wish i could have been there tonight instead of mollie. i know that she'd much rather have mollie there though and that kills me :-( i want her to be happy though. i would kill if i could have seen her tonight, seriously! well, later hoes!! p.s. i kind of miss braden.
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