well that was interesting.

Listening to: howie day
Feeling: sinful
braden and i talked on the phone from 9:30 last night til about 2:30 this morning. then we both woke up 3 1/2 hours later (6:00 this morning)...he came over here, and him, me, my mom and kim all got in the car and drove an hour to Reedsville, Ohio to pick up one of kim's guy friends that she met at church camp a few weeks ago. the trip there was interesting too, considering we got lost and, what should have been only a one hour drive turned out to be about 2 1/2 hours. yessss...and braden and i only got like 3 hours of sleep last night...we were soo tired. he actually fell asleep on the way out there. it was so cute. but anyhow, after we finally got to the kids house and picked him up, we came back here for a little bit. my mom took kim and kyle somewhere...and left braden and i here...hehe. enough said. braden had to leave shortly after my mom, kim and kyle came back...because he had to go somewhere to get a few shots. i felt bad for him! hmm when he was all done though he came back here..yayy!! and he had a sucker...which i stole from him of course. it was a yellow one and very yummy too. anyhow, all of us decided to go to the mall. braden and i drove seperately though, so we could stop by the high school to pick up our schedules. him and i have 6th period lunch together...yayyy!! we are very happy. oh yes, and we found out that somehow our lockers are right next to eachother. hmm anyways, the mall was very fun!! kim and kyle think they're cool so they went off somewhere by themselves..and braden and i kept my mom company. we only stayed an hour or so, then we left. braden and i beat them home so, while i was on here, he fell asleep on my bed . he was so tired, along with me, but i couldn't sleep if i tried. anyhow, he woke up 10 min. before he had to leave for work. after he left, i went out to eat with my mom, kim and kyle. we had lovely chinese. yum :-) then we came back here to get kyle's stuff..went to zane and collen's..that was a nightmare..and then we finally took him home. we got home around 9:00, i layed down and fell asleep until 10:30 or so..got up and talked to people on here. but i didn't feel good at all. actually, i still don't. i feel like i'm going to be sick. was it the food i ate today?..the twisty, turny drive to kyle's house in reedsville?..or stress? we shall never know. anyways, sara wants me to come with her to allie's soccer scrimmage at 10 in the morning. i hope i can go because i really want to. i can't wait until tomorrow night? i think. it should be fun. jamie might be coming over sometime tomorrow so we can help each other get ready. we will see. and that's all. later everyone.
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