sir pudge butterball the 14th

Listening to: hawthorne heights
Feeling: clueless
it was my mommy's birthday today :-) :-) her and kim woke me up this morning by pounding on my door and jumping on top of me! yeah, that's my lovely family for ya :-) so i got up and went out to the living room where my dad was starting to icing part of the cake that he baked for my mom but i told him that i would do it and it was verrrry beautiful!!! it was a two layer cake :-) and it was extremely yum, yum, yummy!! anywho, i ate lunch and some cake =) then got ready and went to walmart with my mom and kim. we were there forever looking at stuff for amanda, one of my mom's really close friends. her and her husband just moved into a new apartment and since it was their anniversary we got them a blender, because they needed one, and some other stuff for their kitchen. then we went over to their apartment, gave them the stuff, helped them hang some pictures, then we left and came home. after a bit we left again and went to the church around 3:30 for our youth group scavenger hunt. yippee!! when everyone got there mary ellen split us all up into 4 large groups. in mine it was melody, megan, sammy, miss jamie and i. we rocked!!! and each group got a little statue type animal thing. ours was a cute little doggy and we named him Sir Pudge Butterball the 14th. yes, don't ask, i didn't pick the name. so anyway, we had to go all around town taking pictures with Sir Pudge Butterball the 14th in various places! for example, we had to find at least 4 bridges and take a picture of them, with Sir Pudge. we had a list of different things. it was very fun!! then we all met back at the church around 5:30, ate pizza, and hungout. then after mary ellen and bob got a slide show of all the groups pictures put together we all watched it and our 4 youth pastors decided who took the best pictures..and guess what??? my group won!! we're the best! yayyyy! but anyway, after that i drove to dairy queen with my mom and kim. we met carol (bekah's mom) and her daughter in-law, mary. we ate/talked then left, came back here and yeah. when i got online just a little bit ago i saw that lauren was on. her away was "unpacking" and in her info it said something about how she misses everyone down at doe river gorge, so i'm thinking she's home? i don't know though because she told me that she was staying another month or so! if she is home, then what happened? that's what i'm wondering. oh well, i left her a tiny message but she signed off a little bit ago so who knows. part of me is glad that she's home, if she IS home, but another part of me knows that she'd rather still be at doe river and doesn't know why she's not! i guess i'll talk to her tomorrow or something. i missed her, but i know she wanted to stay there!! well, that's it. later beautifuls.
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