squishy the doggy.

Listening to: the early november
Feeling: pained
jamie came over this afternoon and we helped each other get ready for tonight. she straightened my hair and it was lovely. then we got all dressed up and met everyone at davenchi's (spelling?)..it was so yummy. i got lasagna and i wasn't even able to finish it. but anyhow, we all took millions of pictures and had LOTS of fun!! yay! then we left and went to lisa and dave's. we decided to play "bigger or better"..something like that. it's like a scavenger hunt. there's two teams and each team starts out with a crayon. you go around to different houses in the neighborhood asking if they have anything they can give you that is either "bigger or better" then what you already have (crayon, etc.) it was interesting. a dog followed us back to lisa and dave's so we decided to make it our "bigger or better" thing and we ended up winning..of course. when we got back to their house the guys were all there..including braden :-) so i changed and went over and sat by him. we had cake..very yummy..then we danced/played games the rest of the night. then around 10:30 braden took kim and i home. i had lots of fun tonight :-) i'm sad that hilary and jamie are leaving soon though. i will miss them both a lot. but okay, i'm done. later.
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