p.s. i miss lauren

Listening to: klove
Feeling: congested
i didn't go to church this morning because i didn't feel good. i STILL don't! but, because i didn't go to church my parents were retarded most of the day and wouldn't let me do anything, including get on my computer :-( which, i could have if i really wanted to..considering it's in my room. i stayed in my room most of the day. partly because i was mad, and partly because i'm sick. while i was in here i thought about a TON of stuff..but i'll wait and share that with you later..anndddd i wrote tara back! yay! i made it very pretty too, since hers was pretty :-) i hope she likes it! my parents had a lot of people over for lunch, including pam :-) but i didn't really get to talk to them much because when i finally DID go out to the living room we left to go to evening service. i figured since i didn't go this morning i should go tonight. so i did and i guess it was okay. i got to see jamie so that was a plus :-) ohh yeah, and jonathan a.k.a him j. hah! you'd have to know what i was talking about..but it's between jonathan and i. aren't you jealous? well, you should be!! hmm..after service the teens stayed for a movie and pizza :-) i LOVE sunday nights :-) we always do something afterwards. and the pizza was very good too :-) well, i think that's pretty much my very, very boring day. and right now i have a really bad headache that hurts :-( i think i'm getting a sinus infection. i hate thoughs!! but as terrible as i feel tomorrow i am definitely going to go to school so you don't have to worry about that..because i know you would miss me :-) :-) hah! yeah right!! i'd miss you guys too much though. and that is why i have to go :-) :-) well, later bitttches :-) p.s. i miss lauren.
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