very busy weekend.

Listening to: the rocket summer
Feeling: grumpy
well, if you read my last entry "nicole's entry" then you know some about what i did saturday night. to say the least, it was awesome!! i absolutely love my youth group so much. all of us are so amazingly close and i think together we share something that not a lot of teens have. that's what makes it so amazing. but anyways. on to telling you about my whole weekend. friday night i spent the night at pam's new apartment with my mom, pam, kim and kim's friend rachel..who is freaking annoying. oh my gosh. but anyways. we had sooo much fun. i was still sick though. oh well. we cooked dinner and zane came over and ate with all of us. it was cool. then we watched forgotten. it's a really good movie. i was impressed :-) saturday morning we went home and pretty much did nothing alll day. then around 6:30 casey..a senior from my youth group..came and picked me up and we went over to the church and picked up MY jamie and braden. and you must remember that braden and i were still broken up at this point so it was kind of weird and sad all at the same time..for me at least..and it was so hard not to look at him while we were in the car and i made jamie sit beside him in the back seat and i sat in the passenger seat. wow, i hated that. but anywho. then we went out to nicole best's house and chris, samantha and the other casey were already there. soooo we hungout in nickel's (nicole) basement. we played ping-pong and stuff, then we watched the movie white chicks and ate a lot of yummy food :-) my favorite. after the movie braden and i finally got the chance to talk, even though it was hard with everyone there..because they wouldn't leave us alone. but we did it. gosh, the whole time i was sitting there talking to him i was screaming at myself. how the hell could i have been so dumb and let him go. and at the same time i was so happy that he was actually talking to me because i didn't understand how he couldn't hate me. after we talked for a while he had to leave so i went with casey to take him home. then we came back to nicole's house but didn't stay long because all of us left to go to casey and sam's for the night. yay! it was pretty fun. nicole and i got online for awhile and that's when she typed an entry in here :-) i told her she could. hmmm we didn't stay up forever since we had church this morning. we got up reallly early, got ready and headed to sunday school. i haven't been forever and i think i need to start going again. but anyhow. then we had church service and i came home after that. then around 4:30 i came back to church with my mom and kim. we went to evening service then afterwards the youth group stayed and ordered pizza and watched spider man 2. it was definitely not the greatest movie in the world, but oh well. now i'm home and i'm soooo very tired. i'm going to go. later.
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