Hello Everybodeeeeee!

Listening to: Riot Girl GC
Feeling: adventurous
I havn't talked in a while. And uh this week at school we started Terra Nova testing. Now that's weird becuz I thought it was spelt TARA Nova. W/e well we have this like daily quote and fact on this dry erase board in my homeroom u see. There was just a quote from Anonymous. It was "A daily grind of hard work makes a person polished!" That sounds sooo wrong. tee hee. Anyway Im starting to write a story for no reason at all. Im writing about Dom and Lij. Orli is in it too. IN some parts. (soz Orli, I still love yooooo) :-D anway. My cat is a freak and wont stop mewing. Have you ever had one of those days where you start to clean like ur room (for example) and then u just clean clean clean as you go. Well, I was in a cleaning mood and decided to do the dishes. I get two dollars everytime I do the dishes. And I don't know the money I get for other chorse yet. Im probably gonna do the dishes every day that is liek 10 dollars cause who would do dishes on the weekends? I mean really. Love you so Hey all you people, hey all you people, hey all you people won't you listen to meeeeeeeee I just had a sandwich no ordinary sandwich A sanwich filled with jellyfish jellyyyyyyyyyy Hey amn you GOT to try this sandwich It's no ordinary sandwich it s the best sandwich in the deep blue seeeeeaaaeaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! Ababadeebadabadoobadabadabybaba Yea! LOL! Love you Soso. Eleni, just leave me alone! Val Luv ya :-P :-D CoMmEnTs? ~Vanessa P.S. How you liek my diary? Pretty colors huh? Can someone teach me to make those words around my cursor and those pop ups that I can put anythign I want in so when you come to my diary there are some pop up thingys? Anyone?
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htmlandgraphix's diary...type htmlandgraphix in "find diary"
wow!!! LOTR ROCKS!!!!!!
you rule!