Say Say Say

Listening to: Michael Jackson
Feeling: agitated
Happy April Fools' Day! Ugh, I'm so annoyed right now. I feel like I'm getting mad for no reason but Im not exactly "mad" Im just irritated by a bunch of little things all together. Im annoyed a bit with Nick because all this weekend it just seems like he doesn't want to talk to me. Yesterday I called him and he told me he'd call me back and he didn't sound very happy. I knew right away that he was talking to Sophia and I hate it when he tells me he'll call me back but doesnt tell me why. Especially when I already know what hes really doing. I know he wasn't trying to hide the fact that he'd rather talk to Sophia but that fact that I knew he was on the phone with Sophia made me feel like he didn't want me to know. For an hour I continuously called Sophia but she doesn't have call waiting so it just beeped the whole time. Finally Nick called me (which I actually was disappointed about because I would have rather had talked to Sophia) and I asked what he was doing and then he told me to hold on. I heard the phone click so I knew he was on his other line, but then five minutes later he still wasn't back and my phone started beeping because he hung up on me. He called me back and was like, "Sorry, I just hung up on you." and I said, "Yea...I know." The he said, "Well, it doesn't matter cause I've gotta go anyway." I asked where he was going. He said, "To the grocery store with my mom." Then we said our goodbyes and I called Sophia and she said she was getting ready. I asked for what and she said to go over Nick's and though I already knew she was going to go over Nick's on Saturday, I was annoyed because I knew that I would have no one to talk to. I tried talking to Nick already that morning several times but he was talking to Sophia, and then they were going to hang out so I knew neither would call me. I was also a bit agitated because Nick didn't tell me which soudns really petty but I can't even count on one hand how many times Nick hasn't told me something like that hoping that I don't find out because he doesn't want me to get mad. I wouldn't have been mad if he would have just given me the light of day. I would only be on the phone with him for two seconds and have to put me on hold to go do something. If you're gonna put on hold the entire time then don't call me in the first place. Its not like he really wanted to talk to me anyway. So today I called him after Valerie spoke to him for 45 minutes. I waited a while because he told Val he was going to call Anthony and try and make plans with him. Anthony couldn't do whatever Nick wanted to do with him, but I just got really annoyed because the first thing Nick asked me was, "Um, do you think that you'll be able to come with the money you need for the concert." I had just got finished arguing with Val about it so I kind of flipped out a bit because I feel like everyone is upset because I only have $4, but I kept telling him "It's not my fault I had to give all of my money to Brooke for TOC and now everyone wants me to pull $30 out of my butt. It just doesn't work that way. I know Nick only needs like 2 more dollars and Val only needs like 8 but I dont have an income so I dont know what to do. We're moving to a new house currently and I don't want to bum money off of my mom. I think the reason I really got upset with Nick when he brought up the concert money was because he was putting me on hold and interrupting me when he called me. He asked me what I was doing and I said "Looking at pictures of-" Nick: "What?!?!" Me: "Well, wait til I say it Nick...I'm looking at pictures of-" Nick: "Hold ON!!" Then he put me on hold. When he came back, that's when he asked about the concert $ I don't really care that Nick and Sophia hang out especially because they hung out with Chris too and I can't stand him. Plus from my experience he is no fun to be with. Even if he apologized for what he said about us, I'd forgive him but I wouldn't like him anymore. I think he's just a rude, ignorant, slut. I can't believe Nick ever "did things" with him. Sick! Im sure Sophia and Nick probably had a good time though Chris was there, and I know that if I was there too Id have fun, but I still wouldn't enjoy Chris being there. I still hate his personality, which I know is pretty harsh, but I just don't like him as a person. What are his good qualities? Does he have any good qualities? If I combine everything I know about him he soudns annoying, rude, ignorant, and fake. He even lied about having a twin which by the way is a very stupid lie and I don't see what anyone gets out of that. I'm so glad he doesn't have a twin. I wouldn't want two of him. Im so stressed out about the concert$. I need about 26 more dollars and I dont know where to get it. Valerie and Nick were joking around about it. They were saying stuff like "Vanessa only has four dollars...hmm..I gues she won't be coming to the concert! HA Ha Ha!" Not really funny. I dont want to say somethign like "Its not fair to go to a concert without me." because that sometimes has to happen. Sophia couldn't go to TOC but we all went. The thing is though, I can go if they would just stop rushing and teasing me and if they care so much about me getting money, then they could help me. I dont think it will sell out right away, and I hope im correct by saying that, but its not fair to me. As soon as TOC ended, and I mean right when we left the Civc Center everyone started saying "OMG, I really want to go to the MCR concert!" Of course I wanted to too but here we have Nick and Valerie saying this with $20 in their pockets, already ready to go get more money. But I had just spent all my money on the concert that we JUST left! It's only been one week exactly since TOC and everyone is breathing done my neck. I dont have a job, Im not going to ask MOM for money because she probably needs it because we're moving and stuff, but then again I almost never ask for money for things like concerts or material items unless they're necessary like clothes for school or a special occassion. I dont want to mooch off anyone and I don't want peopel to think Im mooching. The small difference is that almost every teenagers asks their parents for something constantly and I like never have. My parents may beg to differ, but when you think about it, have I ever asked for something like an iPod or CD or something unless it was my birthday or Christmas. I was talking to Marc once at school and he was bragging about how he could ask his mom anytime for a new iPod (cuz he already has one) and she'd get it for him. Well, that's good for him but I wouldn't even feel right asking for an iPod in the middle of summer when both my b-day and x-mas are six months away. To me that's just wrong. Well, my arm has been cramping for a very long time and I think I should go now. Love Vanessa
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