Dom Killed Me :-(

Feeling: awful
Meeting with Dominic Monaghan
Favourite Color
You will meet On a rainy day, running down the street
He will say "I'm Dom, and you are?"
You will say "I'd love to go out sometime."
Will it last? For awhile
Best Part You move in together
Worst Part He kills you because he loves you and is REALLY depressed
This fun quiz by LostDMVictim - Taken 29 Times.
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And I Thought It Would Last Forever! Here's Another:
A Shopping Trip With Dominic Monaghan!
What Dom buys: A necklace for his mum
What you buy for Dom: A cake
Does he take it: No, he kindly tells you that he has enough crap at home.
How much it ends up costing: $1,238.07
Who pays for it: You
What he says when you two leave: "I only wish Elijah was here. Then I would be having a good time."
This cool quiz by divine_tragedy - Taken 46 Times.
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