I Was On The News!!!

Feeling: pessimistic
Wednesday: Val and I went to the dentist. We woke up at 9:00 and that's when Mom realized our appointments were at 9 and 10 so we were already later. So we took a taxi there and there were three dentists. I went first so, since we were half an hour late, I had to do all the exams and chekups and x-rays while Val only did half the stuff I did. The first Dentist was a girl and she was oldish and serious about her work, never laughing. Even though I cracked no jokes for her to laugh at, she kind of seemed a little too serious. The next dentist did the x-rays and she laughed a lot. She was young and giggly adn laughed at everythign I said. Even the stuff that weren't jokes, even though it sound weird, it didn't makem e nervous like the other dentist did. The last dentist was an old man, he was really nice and said, "You have beautiful teeth." He was also kind of hasty though, like he'd aska question and wouldn't give me a chance to answer, he'd just ask it again. So he'd ask a question two times in a rowas if I was ignoring him so it was weird but he was the nicest out of them all. I need to go back sometime soon because I need to get a filling so I don't get a cavity in one of my molars. Yea.... Thursday I Was On The News... Thursday: My family started up on the wrong side of the bed and we were yelling at eachother and everything which made me furious but anyways, we all drove to Augusta to meet the rest of our family at A-Hop the Augusta House of Pancakes, which confuses me because, why not I-Hop? I-Hop is the International House of Pancakes...I mean my city doesn't have it's very own House of Pancakes....it has a house of Pizza though (I think) *thumbs up*. Anyways, the plan was to go to the Riverview Psychiatric (Hospital??) My Aunt, roughly nine years ago went there...or actually she went to the Mental Institution that used to be there. She had a mental illness. She also had a boyfriend. Her best friend was there. She also had a mental illness. Anyways, my Aunt was stabbed in the hospital closet by her boyfriend...I can't remember the number of stabs though. Anyways, there was a tree and some benches put outside of the hospital dedicated to her because she used to write poetry under the tree. Hey, the Governor was there too, Governor John Baldacci. He was sitting in front of Valerie who was next to me so he was diagonal from me. Channel 6 News was there too! I was on the news! You could see me walking around in the background!! My Mom was on the news, Valerie was twice. Mu AUnt Jodi was too. It was cool. Anyways, my favorite speech was from Aunt Wrendy's (That's my Aunt's name, duh) best friend made the speech. It made me cry. She said, "Wrendy's a rainbow. She was my best friend. She brings joy to everyone. She's an angel watching over all of us right now." I kind of summed it up but that's basically it. How sad. Today: I should be going to the doctor's today for an annual check up thingy. That's about it. I really want to go buy some CD's. I'm running out of new stuff to listen to... Vanessa<3
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