♥I Love These Hearts♥

Feeling: hyperactive
*Ten People You Talked To Today* 01) Mom 02) Peter 03) Valerie 04) Brooke 05) Sophia 06) Eleni 07) Nolan 08) God 09) No One 10) Else *Nine Good..correction great friends* 01) Valerie♥ 02) Sophia♥ 03) Nick♥ 04) Eleni♥ 05) Mia♥ 06) Henry 07) Brooke♥ 08) God♥ 09) Jesus♥ *Eight Things In Your Room* 01) Bed 02) Stereo 03) TV 04) Clothes 05) Closet 06) Dresser 07) CD's 08) VALERIE!♥ *Seven Things That Annoy You* 01) Sophia's Dad!!! *pouts* 02) Sophia being banned from the computer. *tears* 03) Restrictions againts Sophia. 04) Traci!!!! 05) This whole cellphone situation! 06) Ignorance 07) When people I never talk to IM me and nothing is said except "Hi, Sup?, Bye" *Six Things You Touch Daily* 01) Bible♥ 02) Computer 03) My Clothes 04) My Face 05) Food♥ 06) My Cat♥ *Five Favortie Candys* 01) Starbursts♥ 02) Crunch Bar♥ 03) Skittles♥ 04) Twix Bar♥ 05) Twizzlers♥ *Four TV Shows You Watch* 01) Smallville♥ 02) Surreal Life 03) House 04) Too Many Reality TV Shows To Count♥ *Three Celebrities You Have a Crush on* 01) Dominic Monaghan? 02) Adam Brody? 03) Michael Rosenbaum? *Two Things You Can't Live Without* 01) Jesus and God in my Life♥♥♥♥ 02) ♥Love♥ (from my Family, Friends, God, Jesus, In general) *Name One Thing You Want More Than Anything* 01) To make it to Heaven, be Christian, follow God's word, be completely devotional and loyal and faithful to him. It's so hard. Something else I want is just love in general, but I already have a lot of that. I also want a boyfriend when I'm ready...to be married. Fall In Love.♥ God Bless Vanessa♥
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Never ever dress up like me! NO NO NO!!!